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TOPIC: Nyaunglebin, 150 km from Yangon in Birma
Tim van Gunsteren
Dec 25, 2008
Nyaunglebin, 150 km from Yangon in Birma
op de officiele website van de Stichting VvaV.
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Naar het forum van RK NetNieuws
Apparitions of the Holy Virgin in Amsterdam
Blessed places where the Amsterdamse Madonna is venerated
Nyaunglebin, 150 km from Yangon in Birma
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--- Dutch - Nederlands ---
Ida Peerdeman (1905-1996)
Pater Jan Kerssemakers (1923-1981)
Bisschop Jos Punt (1946)
Maria in de Koran
Bisschop Jan Huibers (1875-1960)
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--- English ---
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--- German - Deutsch ---
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L’arcivescovo Angelo Amato
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