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vBeste medegelovigen,

Op de website, staat een petitie die bestemd is voor de prefect van de Congregatie van de Geloofsleer.

Op het ogenblik is een discussie gaande over een zinsnede uit het gebed van ‘De Vrouwe van alle Volkeren’. Aanleiding is een zorg uitgesproken door de Secretaris van de Congregatie voor de Geloofsleer, Mgr.. A. Amato SDB, over “één specifiek aspect” van deze devotie, namelijk de zinsnede “die eens Maria was”. Deze zorg is gecommuniceerd naar enkele Filippijnse bisschoppen, naar de gemeenschap ‘Familie van Maria’, alsook naar Mgr. Dr. J. Punt. (voor de totale tekst, zie

Binnenkort zal Mgr. Punt een gesprek met de perfect hebben.
Misschien kunnen we ook zelf een klein steentje bijdragen door deze petitie naar Rome te sturen. Hoe meer er daar arriveren, hoe groter de kans dat Mgr. Levada, de prefect, deze petitie ook onder ogen krijgt. Print het uit of kopieer hem, onderteken hem en stuur hem gewoon per post of fax (fax nr: naar het adres zoals aangegeven boven aan de brief. Het staat eenieder natuurlijk vrij er iets persoonlijks aan toe te voegen. Alvast bedankt voor elke medewerking en het is natuurlijk schitterend als u deze petitie verder doorstuurt En maak ook andere attent op deze petitie, geef het door!!!

U kunt de petitie downloaden (in Word- [doc] of in Adobe Acrobat- [pdf] formaat) op

Met vriendelijke groet,
Duncan van Meeteren

van onze correspondent


Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
Palazzo Della Congregazione
00120 Citta Del Vaticano

Petition concerning the Prayer of the Lady of All Nations

Your Grace,

We are all deeply touched by the commotion caused by a recent statement, made by the Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, regarding the clause ‘who once was Mary’ in the prayer, given by the Holy Virgin as the Lady of All Nations in 1951 during one of her apparitions. This statement has created a lot of confusion.
For more than 50 years, this prayer has been allowed to be said, as is testified by the imprimatur so many bishops and even cardinals gave to the prayer. More than one hundred million of prayer cards have been spread all over the world in more than 70 languages. In 1996, the bishop of Haarlem-Amsterdam (who is the prime responsible in this matter), Msgr. Bomers, gave the permission for the public devotion, and in 2002, Msgr. Punt, the present bishop, issued a statement, recognizing the supernatural origin of the apparitions of Amsterdam.

For many people in the world, the devotion to the Lady of All Nations and the prayer she has given have become part of their daily lives. Many of us have experienced the grace, redemption and peace the Lady has promised to all who say her prayer.
Many of us learned to understand through the prayer and image, how Mary united herself with the sacrifice of the Cross. How Christ entrusted all people to his Mother, and how this transformed her into the Lady, the Mother of All Nations, and how she wants to guide us now to our Lord and Master, to the Cross, to the Light.
To many non-Catholics and non-Christians the clause ‘who once was Mary’, makes clear who the Lady of All Nations is: not an abstract reality, but a person, who is rooted in the human figure of Mary. As the Lady herself explains: ‘“Who once was Mary” means: many people have known Mary as Mary. Now, however, in this new era which is about to begin, I wish to be the Lady of All Nations. Everyone understands this.’
It also shows the universal importance of the prayer, which is meant for the whole of humanity and not only for Catholics. As a unique symbol of unity, she stands on the globe, saying, ‘No matter who or what you are, come to the Lady of All Nations.’

More than ever this beautiful prayer is needed in this time, full of degeneration, disasters and war. More than ever we need to ask our Lord to send his Spirit over the earth, the Spirit He has promised to send. More than ever we need the coming of the holy Spirit to enlighten the hearts of all peoples. More than ever the world needs our Mother, Mary, the Lady of All Nations, to bring unity to this divided world and to speak on our behalf. Who shall doubt the might of her voice before the throne of God?

Many of us had the privilege to be present on one of the Prayer Days, where so many bishops, priests and faithful gathered around the image of our Mother. Many of us found new inspiration, hope and strength in the words she has spoken, which are full of warnings but also full of love, with great promises for a new era, in which the holy Spirit will come over this earth, the Spirit of Love, Truth and Justice. Therefore she has come, therefore she has given her prayer. Far from leading to confusion, this prayer has led to a new outpouring of the Spirit, as so many of us were privileged to experience.
Many of us have recognized the voice of the Lady of All Nations as being the voice of the Mother of our Lord, the Mother of God. May her voice be heard in the darkness of our times.
Therefore, we beseech the Holy See to permit us to say the prayer in the way our Lady has asked us to do.

Yours faithfully in Christ, our Lord, and Mary, the Lady of All Nations,




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